About Me

Hello and welcome, I am Melinda a super passionate, devoted mum of three 3 grown ups kids ( 25, 23, and 19) and happily married, well most of the time, for over 27 years.

Being a Mum is my absolute greatest achievement and biggest blessing and challenge !

My kids are my best teachers in this journey of life, and I am super grateful everyday that they chose me to be their Mumma. 

Over the past 20 years I have been on the rollercoaster ride of life. However one thing has always remained constant, the need and want to be the best version of myself and the best Mum I could possible be.

I was pretty crippled with anxiety and self-doubt throughout my teenage years and early adult life. 

I was married at 23 and had my first bubba at 24, so I spent most of my time trying to fit in and do what everyone else told me to and not make a fuss.

I was very busy keeping every else happy while my anxiety and emotions were wreaking havoc with my physical and emotional state.

I managed to keep it under wraps and just meltdown in my own company…never discussing my struggles.

A few years and 2 kiddies later,  I began to see similar anxiety in my eldest daughter who was about 6 at the time and thats when it hit me square in the face …

she feels how I feel.  

This isn’t what I wanted for my children … to be filled with anxiety, self doubt and uncertainty, seeking approval outside themselves! 

I realised the only way to help her was to help myself.

I started diving into emotional behaviours, understanding anxiety and how I could understand my children and their own unique needs. I studied birth order and Rayid Iridology what a game changer.

I then went on to become a flower essence therapist and holistic counsellor which was the catalyst for supporting and shifting my anxiety and emotional patterns and behaviours.

I have been practicing for over 10 years and truly love the gifts it keeps on bringing.

In recent years I have been diving deeper into the sacred world of animistic practices and connection to all things .

This has opened up even more doorways of authenticity, the power of heart and soul, the beauty and gifts within the plant and animal kingdoms, ancestors and the spirit world in general. 

I am now feeling  aligned with my heart and soul, my lineage, my purpose, my vision and my work.

Deep love, gratitude and respect to my ancestors, my family and to all my teachers.

What a gift life is when we can actually see it through the eyes of our hearts

    • Drum Journey Training - Shamanic Energy Training®

    • Pendulum Dowsing Level 1 - Sharon Bolt (The White Dragon Lineage)

    • Spirit Animal - The White Dragon Lineage

      Sacred Space Weaver - Temple of Shamanic Magick (The White Dragon Lineage)

    • Spirit Allies and Mythical Creatures - The White Dragon Lineage

    • Plant Spirit Communication - The temple of Shamanic magick (The White Dragon Lineage)

    • Flower Essence Therapy - Leonie Blackwell - The Essence of healing

    • Holistic Counselling – Leonie Blackwell- The Essence of healing

    • Level 1, 2 & 3 Australian Bush Flower essences - Ian White

    • Children and the Australian Bush Flower essences - Ian White

    • White Light Essence and Light frequency essences - Ian White

    • Numerology & Australia Bush Flower essences- Ian White

    • Womans Wellbeing & Australian Bush Flower essences - Ian White

    • Level 1, 2 & 3A Reiki - Sara Brooke - The Space in Between

    • Level 1 holistic aromatherapy – Studio of success

    • Rayid iridology and birth order - Jason Eldridge

    • Young living essential oil raindrop technique - Gary Young

    • Young Living essential oil basics & emotional clearing technique – Artemis

Overwhelmed + Anxious Mumma in need of deep rest and reconnection? Head here to book your space in my Replenish sessions.

Need help support, balance or enhance emotions? Shop your homegrown, wild harvested, Essential Oils and Flower essences here.